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5 Big Things Those That Have Suffered Sleep Paralysis Can Relate To

You can't explain it, you can't cure it, you must simply endure it.

By Richard SkeemPublished 7 years ago 3 min read
'My Dream, My Bad Dream'

With the beginning of Fall here and October fast approaching, how about we get a little spooky! If you've been walking around with blindfolds over your eyes well then, first of all stop, you could seriously get hurt, second of all you may not know what sleep paralysis is. Therefore I shall love to explain this chilling phenomenon to you. Sleep Paralysis is a state you are in, either before falling asleep or while waking up, where you are completely aware of your surroundings but cannot move a muscle. Simultaneously you may hear or even see some strange, inhuman things during this state. Sound familiar to you? If not I must advise caution, for what I am about to unveil could be quite disturbing. You have been warned!

1. Paralyzed

There is no way of telling beforehand when sleep paralysis will strike, you'll only know when it is suddenly upon you. The first sign is when you awake, you'll notice something is off. You may not be able to open your eyes right away and your breathing might seem louder than usual, you may even be able to hear your own heartbeat loud and clear. Are you still dreaming? No, you definitely feel awake. Next, you try to close your hand or shift your body...that's strange, nothing happened. You try again...still nothing. Your heart is beginning to beat more rapidly as you slowly begin to realize you cannot move. You're, stuck. PARALYZED!

2. Pressure

The next stage is nothing short of stifling. Fairly soon after you realize you cannot move and might continue to struggle, you begin to feel a little pressure upon your chest. This pressure starts to build little by little. It feels ever harder for you to breathe but never becomes completely suffocating. Those that experience it this way at least are the lucky ones. For others they may also feel what seems to be a hand covering their mouth, as if something demonic were doing it, feeding off of their panic like it were a midnight snack. Whew, good thing that isn't you, right?

3. Voices

Voices, demonic whispering, terrifying gibberish. Not everyone hears the same thing. Sometimes it's many voices whispering at once, others it's one very strong and prominent demonic voice sounding as though it were reciting some type of incantation. It's deep, dark and unfriendly. At this point your brain may have already gone into full panic mode. If not then don't worry it will definitely get better from here! (Evil laughter ensues)

4. "Sightseeing"

If hearing voices didn't quite do it for you then I believe something like this should do the trick. Only those who are unlucky enough to open their eyes while all of this is happening have experienced true fear. Unfortunately like everything else during sleep paralysis, that's not exactly something you have control over. Just like the voices, what everyone sees is different. You might see a type of shadowy figure standing in your doorway with the hallway light shone behind it--then the figure slowly walks across your bedroom floor to the foot of your bed. Or you may even see a swarm of spiders crawling up into your covers to greet your body with a million venomous bites. Oh, just thinking about that gives me the creeps!

5. Dread

After all of these terrifying things that have happened to you, all the voices, all the hallucinations, your body finally decides it wants to move. You've seen in the movies how a character is having a nightmare and then they finally snap awake? Yeah it feels exactly like that. Once you're up you feel as if you never want to fall back to sleep. All of these questions go racing through your brain. What in the world was that? What if that whole experience was the attempt of something trying to posses you? What if it happens again, and the second round it's successful? Nope, not gonna happen, not now that you're finally out of that hell.


About the Creator

Richard Skeem

Just a gamer geek who likes to think...and eat.

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