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Anxiety and Society

What can I do?

By Shaylynn Heidemann @paulo_deamPublished 6 years ago 5 min read
Thinking to the extent of causing self obstruction, self obliteration, self shame; yet feeling somewhere we are worth the universe. We are the universe.

Nothing is as simple as "just do it" when it comes to people with anxiety.

Many people have different levels and different "genres" of anxieties. Whether it is social anxiety or personal anxiety or severe anxieties surrounding something in particular, all of them count and all should be addressed in the way that works best for you!

In this article, I am not simply just talking about anxiety in general, but am shifting the conversation over to social anxiety as it is something I struggle with as well. I find that this is the most common type of anxiety that affects younger people in our communities today.

So, what is social anxiety? This anxiety can be a wide range/group of emotions, thought patterns and waves that come on when presented with various social situations. Most of the time people are overwhelmed with fear, shakiness, nerve issues and disrupted thought patterns. For example; going to the grocery store may be very easy for one person, but for the person with some amount of social anxieties, a trip to the grocery store could be impossible to even think about, let alone accomplish. In addition, you may not be able to control very easily, if at all, the emotions brought on by these intense bodily/brain processes.

Anxiety in itself is commonly associated with fear and worry, but other things like un-explainable sadness, anger, paranoia, and irritation may accompany that fear.

With my personal experience, I have found that simple interactions in the customer service world trigger my brain to go through a series of patterns that eventually may cause me to forget the whole interaction altogether. I cannot work with a large group of people because there is too much stimulation to the part of my brain that triggers those processes. This is due to traumatic experiences in my past. In addition, interacting with too many people in a day may also trigger those patterns, causing me to potentially forget simple conversations or interactions of any kind.

A rising, trickling fear accompanied by my thoughts racing and my ear beating like a drum to my heartbeat. Then I start to have trouble breathing, like there's a rock in my throat. I can no longer hold even a conversation at this point as my eyes are teary as ever and my throat completely closed off.

It feels as though I am being strangled.

It is not completely apparent as to why this happens to me; that is only something that can give me closure on the simple basis that I have these issues. But, since I have already accepted that I cannot change myself to make it so these things never happen, it has proven helpful to me as I can focus on how to be there for myself when these things do happen. I am better able to seek out help now that I've accepted that anxiety is a part of me. It is one of the many things that make me, me. Only I can help me though, and learning why these things happens comes with the process of healing and self exploration.

Explore what things trigger you. I do not mean to put yourself in situations you know you cannot deal with on your own, but when they occur make sure to document them. Write just a few points on a note pad like "conversation with bank teller" and "jittery and nervous" or anything that spikes you to remember the interaction that has just happened. This way you can write it out in detail and perhaps be able to better understand it. Make sure to document anything that sets in motion these anxious processes, big or small.

Voicing what has happened to you or what occurred can bring back these strong emotions and thought processes which is NOT what we want to do. They are a part of you and you need to acknowledge that anxiety is with you, but you do not need to influence it or instigate it on purpose. It does that all on its own. Please remember reading aloud as you write is a form of vocalising thought!

Next, you will want to start finding things that remind you that you are safe. Bring a friend, gently rub your shirt hemline, or even keep a rubbing stone on hand. Bringing a friend can take the pressure of social interactions off your shoulders as you are already in the social mood and your friend is also there to bounce off any interactions that occur. Gently rubbing a piece of your clothing can bring back a sense of independence and safety. You can keep your breath to the rhythm of your fingers to help stay calm as well as focusing on this motion instead of resulting to harmful mindsets. A stone can help you get in touch with the earth. It can reset your energy to that of the stones intentions. As well as rubbing your clothes, rubbing a stone works the same way but with the added benefit of its natural healing properties! Really anything that is discreet as attention is the last thing you are calling for.

Anything that works for you to remind you that though you may not be in control of what happens you CAN control how you react to it). Something to slow you down so you can think clearer, see clearer and breathe clearer. Hold a hand, find a friend, pet a puppy, make art, make music, do you in all honesty. Your passions help a lot. Your love and compassion helps.

Your ability to breathe is the best tool you could ever have. Breath is a powerful thing. It is our essence and our life. The air we breath and how we breath it makes a big difference in our health. Slow, full, natural breaths are best to help calm you. Do not hold in your air, but rather make a conscious meditation out of it and flow one breath into the other. Believing alongside knowing you can react how you choose.

You are you, and you are beautiful.

Love and light to all!


About the Creator

Shaylynn Heidemann @paulo_deam

An Eclectic soul. Finding passion in art, healing and spirituality in many forms. From food to stones, mental awareness to growth and development. I am on a journey of truth, discovery and ascension, and i would like you to join me <3 !

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