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What is psychopathy? Everything You Need to Know About Psychopaths

By Ricardo BustaPublished 6 years ago 3 min read
A psychopath doesn't exactly need to be a serial killer.

Psychopathy is a personality disorder that is characterized by egomaniacal behavior, manipulation, impulsivity, and the inability to feel empathy for others. Psychopaths are accomplished actors that use their talents to exist within society so that they can get what they want. Many psychopaths are highly educated and respected as members of their community. There are other traits for a psychopath such as:

  • Being conning and manipulative
  • Glibness and superficial charm
  • Grandiose sense of self-worth
  • Failure to accept their own mistakes and responsibility for own acts
  • A lack of realistic, long-term goals
  • Poor behavior controls
  • Many marital relationships

Psychopaths are masters at spinning truth and accusations into counterattacks, and they like to relate with submissive and dependent people to be able to take advantage of them. Tend to a promiscuous sex life with several brief relationships and maintained simultaneously. They like to openly share their sexual prowess and conquests. They accumulate many short-term marriages. They do not commit themselves in the long-term, due to the informality with which the link is proposed.

Psychopaths tend to develop in everyday life with relative adaptability because they have learned ingeniously to gain the trust of others with their false charm. These attitudes are simply stratagems used to hide their true intentions. The psychopaths do not regret their actions, because they lack moral conscience since they live under their own scheme of values, doing what they consider necessary to satisfy their needs. However, they know how to use guilt against other "good" people and in favor of them with an impressive mastery to manipulate.

Now, who can be a psychopath? Anyone. But psychopaths cover about less than ten percent of the Earth's population. Being a psychopath is not something you can choose to be in life, scientists can't precisely explain how psychopathy is made. It's like a personality but at the same time no personality at all. Like in American Psycho, the main character doesn't start presenting himself with his name, but the place he lives in and then his name when it should be the other way around. When they talk about themselves, they tend to show off a lot their accomplishments and how successful they are and yes, people who don't love themselves do this frequently, but just because a person has one of these traits or two, it don't make them psychopaths. The thing is, psychopaths pretend to be the opposite of antisocial, and someone who doesn't care about others.

If you want my advice on dealing with a psychopath like I did, don’t confront them, don’t tell them who they are because they know that they are the worst thing on Earth and they really don’t care what you say since you are probably going to be useless to them later on. If he or she ever screws you up in a way do not respond, because if you do, you’ll show weakness and if you don’t, he or she will get mad since you supposedly cannot be shaken, and I mean supposedly because if he messes you up bad, you will want to get revenge and when you do, you’ll look like the “bad guy” and your friends will look at you as a bad person, even if they've known you since you were born. And then they’ll pretend like nothing happened, like something happened to you but have no idea what. What you should do instead is walk away. As much as you want to do something about it, don’t, it will make things worse. Exposing them with proof, with actual evidence of who they truly are, then tables will turn. So let go and walk away like I did, to survive.

personality disorder

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