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Thank You, Mr. Bourdain

Just a Thought

By Benjamin ReesePublished 6 years ago 3 min read

I'm not really sure where to begin. June 8, 2018 the world lost one of its greatest admirers in Anthony Bourdain. He was an American icon. A celebrity chef, author, and television personality by profession, but as a human being, he was a rebel, a bad boy, and an absolute inspiration. His work opened the eyes of millions towards what this world has to offer us. Every night at 9 o'clock we escaped on a journey with Tony for one hour, to wherever he found himself on this Earth. With those travels, Tony revealed culinary culture, exposed tribal tendencies, and pushed the limit towards what we, the human being, accept as normality. It was always a reminder that there is so much more to this life than our cell phones and Starbucks. Maybe that reminder is what killed him.

While Mr. Bourdain took us on these immaculate adventures through our television screens, what we never seemed to take into consideration were the effects of his travels on himself. This world is a cruel place by nature. Sometimes we see things we weren't meant to see. Sometimes we hear things we weren't meant to hear; and when we encounter those things, our minds can induce awkward and confusing coping mechanisms that can drive one to the brink of self-destruction. I believe this has been the case for many of these people of fame who've concluded that suicide was their last and only hope for happiness. These public figures attain access to sections of society unfathomable to the general population. Mr. Bourdain, through his travels, saw this world for what it was, and he couldn't live with the undeniable truths it exposed.

It was announced that Anthony Bourdain committed suicide in his hotel room in France. This comes shortly after the world lost a prominent fashion designer Kate Spade to suicide. Not to mention, Kanye West a week prior released his eighth studio album Ye where he openly talks about suicidal thoughts and tendencies. Suicide rates have risen 30 percent since the turn of the century. Why? Are these ideas being popularized through mainstream culture? Or are people starting to seeing things for what they believe they really are, and can no longer live with their truths? Is mental health becoming a trend instead of an epidemic? These unanswered questions linger alongside a clouded mind filled with remorse. As a writer we push limits to provoke thought, but now in this day in age, thought-provoking can lead to detrimental circumstances. Anthony Bourdain was an outlaw. He pushed his own boundaries and challenged his own truths. In doing so he provoked his own thought process by traveling so vigorously like he did. In return he fed the world new information and outlook, and became a martyr in this battle to combat mental illness.

"I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. The worst thing in life is to end up with people that make you feel alone."- Robin Williams.

Anthony Bourdain, like Mr. Williams had millions of admirers across the globe. Anthony Bourdain, like Mr. Williams, impacted the masses through their artwork. Anthony Bourdain, like Mr. Williams, hung himself inside his hotel room, despite the positive persona he displayed. This correlation is a haunting testament to psychology in the entertainment business and the world beyond. We have absolutely no idea what each and every one of us is going through on a day by day basis. What we can do is hold ourselves accountable for our actions. Smile at someone today. Tell someone you love them. Tell someone you're there for them. Just don't give up on humanity.


About the Creator

Benjamin Reese

My degree is in Communications with a focus on Journalism and a minor in Political Science.

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  • Bruce m Houston10 months ago

    Reading your articles and listen to some Pure // Mac Miller.

  • Bruce m Houston10 months ago

    You about to have me up here crying man,thanks!

  • Bruce m Houston10 months ago

    This is too f****** real for me!

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