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The Top 5 Surefire Ways to Keep Mentally Fit

Learn How to Maintain a Healthy Mindset

By Mia MoralesPublished 5 years ago 4 min read

We've all been there when it comes to experiencing down moments and discouragement. It may have been a job loss, financial hardship, relationship breakup, or death of a loved one that caused you to dive into a state of depression. However, for most of us, time will heal the pain and grief felt by the blow of loss, and the depression will cease. But for some people, depression is a way of life. Those that live with clinical depression feel a hopelessness and emptiness daily.

Research states that approximately 16 million adults suffer from clinical depression in the US, and 6.7 percent of adults in America are afflicted with at least one major depressive disorder episode. And sadly, depression is linked to anxiety disorders, eating disorders, and other mental illnesses too. And tragically, if left untreated, prolonged mental illness can lead to physical disablement, life-threatening diseases, and suicide. And for many anxiety-stricken people, prescription drugs and over-the-counter meds only temporarily relieve symptoms without curing the mental disorder. There is one bright light at the end of the dark tunnel—those who suffer from clinical depression can work on crawling out of their misery by making an effort, sans the prescription drugs and meds. Yes, there are a variety of things that can be done which can relieve anxiety and also consequently cure depression too. One thing to note, none of us are exempt from contracting depression or a crippling mental illness.

Depression can hit anyone, regardless of age, gender, race, or economic demographic. The good news is all of us can actively work on maintaining a well-balanced lifestyle in order to keep mentally sane and happier. All it really takes is an ample dose of willpower, guts, and a little basic know-how to master good mental health.

Here are the top five ways that will keep us mentally fit.

1. Express yourself

All of us share a need to talk about our feelings, emotions, and everyday stresses. Talking to another person about what's going on in your life is a great positive game changer when it comes to keeping mentally healthy. And it doesn't have to be mean scheduling an appointment with a psychologist or mental health care professional. Sometimes the best therapist can be a friend, family member, a college co-ed, or local pastor. Join a social media outlet or online support group. There you'll be able to connect with others who are going through similar struggles, and you'll find that by being a listening ear to others, you'll alternately be helping yourself feel better too. Basically speaking, as long as you're feeling comfortable opening up honestly to whomever it is in your life, the results will be positive and you'll ultimately feel better, emotionally lighter after unloading.

2. Socialize more

That's right... get out there and "mingle, mingle" and you'll feel better psychologically. People that connect with others and socialize regularly are healthier both physically and mentally. Isolated people are more prone to suffer from anxiety, chronic diseases, and mental illness. So, connect with friends, join a club, or make that long distance call to that family member across the miles, your mental health will benefit positively. And if you find yourself needing 24/7 companionship in your life, adopt a pet, like a cuddly doggie. There are so many positive benefits to having a furry companion. Dog owners around the globe will tell you there's nothing like having a loving relationship with a lovable pooch who will be loyal to you to the end. And you can easily find a precious puppy to adopt at your local animal shelter, pet store, or at a number of online dog breeders. One of the best around, Uptown Puppies will assist you in locating the perfect pup for you and it's easy and safe.

3. Eating nutritiously

Staying away from digesting fatty foods that are high in cholesterol is not only good for your heart's health. Research has stated that a high trans-fat diet can trigger depression. And eating nutritiously is essential not only to one's physical health, but mental health as well. Opt for healthy snacks like carrots instead of a bag of Doritos. And fill up on lots of hearty grains, veggies, and protein found in lean sirloin and grilled chicken.

4. Exercise more

Research states that giving yourself a routine, high-intensity physical workout is good for your mental wellbeing and fundamental in treating depression. Exercising helps release mood-lifting chemicals, endorphins, that are said to create a feel-good reaction in our bodies. Even grief experts say that vigorous physical activity helps relieve anxiety in bereaved people's bodies after experiencing the death of a loved one. So, take a brisk walk, ride a bike, take up yoga, or enjoy an aerobic workout. It will do your body good and help your mental health!

5. Drink less alcoholic beverages

It's okay to indulge in a little wine with dinner after a long day at the office, but consuming too much alcohol can negatively alter your brain's neurotransmitters and lead to depression or make depression symptoms worse. Brain chemicals that relate to mood tend to fluctuate with heavy alcoholic consumption. So, lighten up on the booze during happy hour and you'll be enjoying better mental health!

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